nathalie of
naked tile tagged me to reveal 10 things about myself!and although it's been a long time since then i 'm now ready to make the damn post!!!
i love music.though i never learned how to play an instrument, i can spend hours listenning to my favourite music which includes the beattles, elvis, bob marley, manu chao and many many more...
i read a lot. sometimes maybe too much. i ve read harry potter and the halfblood prince all in one day.
i write a lot too. when i was younger i wanted to be a writer...i kept a diary and started writting stories which never finished. i 'm thinking of publishing some of my diaries one day...
my favourite novel ever is little women by louisa may alcott. and of course my favourite character is jo march!
i also love arts! when i was younger, i was drawing all the time. i stopped for a while but after graduation i started sketching again...
i 'm a rather indecissive person but the most important decisions of my life were taken after little or no consideration.
i'm obsessed with the 60's: music, fashion, films, books...
i admire le corbusier. though his work caused a lot of controversy i 've always thought he was a genius. i wish i could live in one of his buildings!
when i was very little i was afraid of men with beards and lond hair...i would burst into tears when such a person approached i feel ashamed of that!
i love to cook. if i don't succeed in architecture i might become a cook! my latest achievement was a lemon pie...
i 'd like to tag nina, elena of lfof and naiad of state of grace to reveal the 10 things about themselves...

i 'm leaving you know i have to go for a dip in the sea!enjoy the rest of your holidays: drink cocktails, dance, eat watermelon and enjoy the sunshine!oh and don't forget to get tanned!!!!