nathalie of naked tile tagged me to reveal 10 things about myself!and although it's been a long time since then i 'm now ready to make the damn post!!!
- i love music.though i never learned how to play an instrument, i can spend hours listenning to my favourite music which includes the beattles, elvis, bob marley, manu chao and many many more...
- i read a lot. sometimes maybe too much. i ve read harry potter and the halfblood prince all in one day.
- i write a lot too. when i was younger i wanted to be a writer...i kept a diary and started writting stories which never finished. i 'm thinking of publishing some of my diaries one day...
- my favourite novel ever is little women by louisa may alcott. and of course my favourite character is jo march!
- i also love arts! when i was younger, i was drawing all the time. i stopped for a while but after graduation i started sketching again...
- i 'm a rather indecissive person but the most important decisions of my life were taken after little or no consideration.
- i'm obsessed with the 60's: music, fashion, films, books...
- i admire le corbusier. though his work caused a lot of controversy i 've always thought he was a genius. i wish i could live in one of his buildings!
- when i was very little i was afraid of men with beards and lond hair...i would burst into tears when such a person approached i feel ashamed of that!
- i love to cook. if i don't succeed in architecture i might become a cook! my latest achievement was a lemon pie...
i 'd like to tag nina, elena of lfof and naiad of state of grace to reveal the 10 things about themselves...

i 'm leaving you know i have to go for a dip in the sea!enjoy the rest of your holidays: drink cocktails, dance, eat watermelon and enjoy the sunshine!oh and don't forget to get tanned!!!!
hey honey !! enjoy your summer i also tagged you but maybe you didn't saw it
thanks gia to tag girl..8a etimaso post edos ton imeron..
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήpote erxese a8ina? leme gia potaki gia oses exoun apomini stin poli..
Einai yperoho pou grafeis kai pou skeftesai na ekdosis kapia stigmi! Yparhi periptosi na anartisis apospasmata? (pls, say yesss). Apo tis Mikres Kyries k emena i Jo mou arese, itan i pio endiaferousa prosopikotita tou vivliou:)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή@ meraldia:χμμμ δεν ξέρω μάλλον όχι ντρέπομαι ντρέπομαι ντρέπομαι...αλλά καμιά φορά και το blog λειτυργεί λίγο σαν ημερολόγιο...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή@ maryliscious:ευχαριστώ για το tag!!!!συγγνώμη που το ξέχασα... :(
I used to draw too, but after taking the much dreaded drawing exam to get into architecture school, I got sick of it. I wish I hadn't...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήYou too? Guess why my nicknake is Jo??? Yes, it's from little women!!!And you write? And you draw? And you READ THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE IN ONE DAY? It's like looking in the mirror, seriously.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήlittle women k cooking=love alla me auto pu pragmatika mporw na tautistw einai to diavasma,mporw n diavasw ena vivlio pollwn pollwn selidwn mesa se liges wres,gnk diavazw ta panta apo etiketes sampouan mexri egkuklopaideies!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήmikro mas koritsaki..
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήise a8ina???
na sou stilo sms me infos gia tn simerini mas sinadisi????
Love #9, hilarious!!